Bring a friend to have their hearing checked.

Have you ever thought about how your hearing problems affect your relationships with family and friends?

Taking your significant other for a hearing test Their insights may help your hearing care professional better understand your problem and plan your treatment.

Many people postpone hearing tests because they think only a small percentage of people will be affected by hearing loss. But studies have shown that untreated hearing loss negatively impacts relationships.

These are the findings from a 2009 survey of 1,500 participants with hearing loss:

– 44% said their relationship with a partner, friend or family suffered because they were not heard.

– 34% said they lost contact with friends or divorced because of communication problems related to hearing loss.

– 69% said hearing loss interferes with their ability to participate in everyday conversations, resulting in

– 52% They feel socially abandoned.

Dear Hearing “Regain your sound of life”



Dear Hearing Center has been providing hearing care services for over 30 years.

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